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Designed for PreK - 2nd grade students (specific ranges listed with program)
All programs run approximately 60 minutes unless otherwise noted
Cost: $200 for up to 20 students, $8 per additional. Max 30 students per group.
Please note: SMLI can run 1-3 groups simultaneously depending on program & staffing availability
Animal Explorations (PreK-2nd)
Explore the amazing world of mammals, reptiles and more by getting up close to some of our live animals. Discover what special adaptations they have that would help them survive in the wild!
NYS P-LS1-1, P-LS1-2,
Little Green Thumbs (PreK-1st)
Have you ever eaten a root? Explore the different parts of a plant and how they help a plant grow and survive using your sense of sight, small, and taste. See how a seed becomes a plant and create a ‘seed bomb’ to launch in your backyard. Please note: this program involves food that students can eat, including: carrots, celery, lettuce, broccoli & apples.
NYS P-LS1-1, P-LS1-2, P-LS3-1, K-LS1-1,
Plants & Pollinators* (PreK-2nd)
The relationship between plants and pollinators is special. Learn how both plants & pollinators are uniquely adapted to one another. Visit our pollinator garden to see bees, butterflies and more in action. *Available April - June only
Optional Add-On: Live caterpillars. Purchase a set of 5 for the classroom, or one for each student to take home!
Insects & Spiders (K-2nd)
Explore the creepy crawly world of insects and spiders. Find out why spiders aren't allowed in the bug club while observing live and preserved specimens. Create a buggy craft to take home.
Buoyancy (K-2nd)
Discover why certain objects float and others sink through observation and experimentation. See how you can make one object go from floating to sinking. Use what you've learned to design and construct a boat that can carry cargo.
NYS P-PS1-1, K-PS1-1 & 2-PS1-1
Energy in Motion (K-2nd)
Explore the foundations of physics through hands-on play and observation. We'll dive into Newton's three laws of motion and come to understand how they explain how natural forces interact both on Earth and in space!
Mix it Up (K-2nd)
What happens when you mix baking soda and vinegar together? See how ordinary items found in your kitchen can perform fun chemical reactions. Watch chemicals change color right before your eyes.
Science of Senses (PreK-2nd)
Observation is the foundation of science. Explore your five senses and how we use them to make scientific observations. Discover how optical illusions can trick our sense of sight, and how you can use more than just your sense of hearing to observe sound.
NYS 1-PS4-1
Mesmerizing Magnets (K-2nd)
Find out what the big attraction is with magnets as you discover the power within magnetic fields. Experiment with objects that are magnetic and non-magnetic and how our planet is a magnet itself!
A Matter of Science (K-2nd)
Investigate the differences between the three states of matter. How do gases, liquids and solids behavior differently from one another? Get hands-on with a slimey concoction that has qualities of both a liquid and a solid.
Discovering Dinos
How tall was Tyrannosaurus rex? What and how did dinosaurs eat? Explore the wonderful world of dinosaurs by examining real fossil remains. Create your own fossil imprint to take home.
NYS P-PS1-1, K-PS1-1 & 2-PS1-1
Space Explorations
In our portable planetarium, STARLab, discover the night sky and constellation mythology of Ancient Greek & Native American people. Design your own constellation to bring home.
NYS 1-PS4-1
Woodland Explorers (K-2nd)
Explore Leeds Pond Preserve's woodland area to discover what plants and animals call it home. Learn to identify different species of trees by examining their leaves, and birds through their unique calls.
Shore Explorers
Visit Manhasset Bay and investigate the plants and animals that call it home. Find out the challenges of living in the intertidal zone and what unique adaptations the animals living there have.
Optional Add-On: Water Cycle Game ($2 per student + additional 30 minutes
Maple Sugaring*
In late winter, as the days get warmer and trees get ready for spring, the sap starts to flow. Learn the process of creating everyone's favorite pancake topping from tree to table. Please note: this program features a maple syrup tasting activity.
*Available mid-February through mid-March