Launched in October 2020, the Community Compost at SMLI is the area’s first composting demonstration facility dedicated to reducing food waste and building healthy soils. So far, participating families have rescued over 14,000 pounds or 7 tons of kitchen scraps (that’s the weight of 4 Subaru Foresters!) from plastic bags, gas-guzzling garbage trucks, incinerators and landfills.

Did you know that approximately 20% of your household trash is food waste? That rotting food in plastic bags is what “stinks” up your kitchen and turns into potent methane gas in landfills and toxic incineration smoke. Methane is a greenhouse gas that traps 86 times more heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide. In short, food waste pollutes our air, soil and water.
Instead, turn your food scraps into a valuable resource. Compost!
As part of your household routine, collect the inedible kitchen scraps into a separate bucket for composting either at home or collectively. Following an easy process those food scraps will decompose and be returned to the earth, greatly improving the biological, chemical and physical characteristics of the soil. Compost is very nutritious for plants and the worms and critters that birds love. Compost also serves as a filter and sponge, immobilizing and degrading pollutants in storm water improving water quality.
So pound for pound, your kitchen scraps do a whole lot of GOOD!
Your Garbage Pail: Over 60% can be recycled back into the earth.

Composting helps balance the ecosystem and regenerates the earth. The basic concept is simple: it’s a pile of leaves and yard clippings (browns) mixed with kitchen food scraps (greens) in a 3:1 volume ratio. The pile is turned regularly to allow oxygen to flow through (aerate) and water is added if the pile gets too dry.
COMPOSTING CHEMISTRY: Carbon + Nitrogen + Water + Oxygen
(browns) (greens)
The decomposition process is fueled by fungi, bateria and macro/micro organisms which feast on the pile. In about 6 - 8 months the resulting matter will be mature enough to turn back into the garden as a nutritious soil amendment.
Compost Recipe for Success: greens + browns + water + air + living organisms.

You CAN DO something really powerful to fight the Climate Crisis and repair the Earth.
Composting is Easy. Here’s what it takes:
Passion for reducing food waste, using less plastic and saving our planet.
Commitment to a daily household routine of segregating kitchen scraps in a green bucket which we supply.
Weigh and Drop off your “greens” once a week - a process which takes no more than 15 minutes.
Make a one-time donation to SMLI and desire to actively participate in our Composting Community.
Volunteer to turn the compost pile and other maintenance tasks now and then
Interested in hearing more? Need help getting started with composting at home? Contact: Claire Brezel at communitycompost@smli.org. Limited spots available.